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Truck & Train Accidents

semi tractor truck wreckage after an accident

Train Accidents


         In Illinois, "[f]atal crashes and A-injury crashes involving trains account for less than 1% of all fatal and A-injury crashes combined in 2022," according to the Illinois Department of Transportation ("IDOT"). A-injuries are those that require medical treatment beyond the prescription of over-the-counter medications. 

        According to IDOT, "Illinois is at the center of the nation’s rail network. It has a comprehensive rail network consisting of approximately 9,982 miles of railroad tracks... In all, 40 railroads are able to provide service from Illinois to every part of the United States. Chicago is the largest US rail gateway and there is another major rail center located in East St. Louis."​

       Additionally, the Chicago Transit Authority ("CTA") is another large train system in Illinois, comprising of fixed-route buses and rail transit services. It is "the second largest public transportation system in the United States..." and "the third busiest heavy-rail transit system in the country, with approximately 759,000 average weekday ridership," according to IDOT.

        If you or a loved one ends up hurt in a railroad or CTA accident, please get medical attention and stop worryin', call GURIAN immediately.


Truck Accidents


        According to the Illinois Department of Transportation ("IDOT"), "[t]ractor-trailer crashes account for 4% of total crashes in in Illinois" and "[t]here were 11,922 crashes involving tractor-trailers [in Illinois] in 2022."

That's a 31.4% increase in fatalities resulting from tractor-trailer accidents from 2021 to 2022. 

        IDOT suggests when sharing the road with trucks, to practice the following safety tips: 

                                 1. Don't return to the driving lane until you can see the entire front of the truck in your rear                                        view mirror. 

                                 2. If you can't see one of the truck driver's side mirrors, he or she can't see you.

                                 3. If you can't see the truck driver in his or her side mirror, he or she can't see you. 

                                 4. Don't enter the area between the curb or shoulder and the truck if the driver is signaling a                                       turn. â€‹

        If you or a loved one ends up hurt in a truck accident, please get medical attention and don't hesitate to call Gurian Law.


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